Friday, June 11, 2010

Daily Happenings

These are a few pictures of our time in New York City. James Walcott, our fellow ABC student, showed us around the city before the evening serving at Bay Ridge Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York City.

A view of Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry

The Wall Street Bull

The Statue of Liberty picture taken from the Staten Island Ferry.

This is at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA.

We have been having a wonderful time on tour. It has been a blessing to see the Lord work people's lives. We have been traveling with Pastor Roger Maxwell who is the Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. He has been filling in as the preacher for our group since Dr. Beal has been unable to travel with us due to his accident. We have had some great conversations with Pastor Maxwell. He is a very wise man. It has been a great blessing to have him on our team.

Tonight, we will be in Berlin, VT, and this will be Pastor Maxwell's last service with us. We will certainly miss him. Then, on Saturday Pastor Nathan Deatrick, Michael's older brother, will join us again as our preacher for approximately a week and a half. I am looking forward to seeing him again.

We have had some wonderful experiences being able to minister and be a blessing to people in our host homes. We are very grateful for a place to stay and to minister each night. Praise the Lord for His goodness to us and for His protection as we travel serving Him.

~ Kevin Gilbert


  1. Great! Thanks for the update and photos! We never got to go to NY City with Q-tet but we did travel with Pastor Maxwell for a couple weeks - I'm sure you had a great time, just as we did!

    God Bless!
