Saturday, June 26, 2010

God is Good

We have had an amazing couple of days. It is exciting to have Dr. Beal with us. We praise the Lord how his hand has been healing.

Two nights ago we were in Bryant Pond, Maine with Pastor Hodgkins. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with him and his family. In the service, Dr. Beal preached a message on the importance of God's Word. A man came forward and Pastor Hodgkins was able to take him to a back room and lead him to the Lord! It is great to see that God is still at work. After the service we played several games of spoons, and enjoyed some good old fashioned ice cream.

Last night we were able to serve with Pastor Knight here at Constitution Baptist Church. Dr. Beal preached an excellent salvation message. After the service we enjoyed pizza and fellowship with the pastor. Today we were able to help Pastor with some odd jobs around the church and we are now on our way up to Vermont.

We were just able to stop at the house where Dwight L. Moody was born. Just up on top of the knoll by his house is the burial sight of Moody and his wife. It was awesome to see the school that he started there, but at the same time it was sad to see the empty campus and what it is being used for now. May God raise up more great men that can do as the disciples in the Bible did, and turn the world upside down.

Please continue to pray for us as we travel and minister in local churches. There have been several people who are very close to salvation, so please pray that they would come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ very soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Touring Maine

Wow!!! It was absolutely wonderful touring the state of Maine. We had perfect 70 degrees weather for almost one whole week. It was a joy being able to visit the churches and see their love for the Lord. I appreciate the pastors. The keep plugging away in the place that the Lord has placed them.

We have been able to have the true Maine experience. We have done the following things: eaten lobster, saw a moose, went to a lighthouse, had Moxie (Maine's soda), and we got bitten by black flies. It was sure fun.

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Kevin Gilbert

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lewiston Baptist Church with the Kelly family

On Monday we were able to be with Pastor Tim Kelly and his family. They are church planting up in Lewiston, Maine, and they are doing a great work for the Lord. The church is currently meeting in their home, and at the evening service we had a high of forty-six people in attendance. Praise the Lord!!!

It was certainly a blessing to see the Kelly family again. Pastor Deatrick will be going back to Lewiston at the end of June for the church's chartering service. It is exciting to see churches being planted in Maine.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stratton, Maine

Yesterday we traveled up to Stratton, Maine, and it was certainly a beautiful drive. The service was at Calvary Bible Church with Pastor Bruce Townsend. When we arrived, Pastor immediately took us out skeet shooting. Wow was it fun!!! Pastor Townsend also let us men shoot some pistols as well. One was made in 1918 and other was a German Luger from 1940. It even had the Nazi markings on it. That was a privilege.

It was good to see Adam Fenske and his family. We were in school together for two years, and I greatly appreciated him a school. He is now working as the youth leader at Calvary Bible Church, and he is doing a great job.

Something really neat happened. We saw moose in Stratton, Maine!!! It was pretty cool.

Here are some pictures of the beautiful state of Maine near Stratton.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Daily Happenings

These are a few pictures of our time in New York City. James Walcott, our fellow ABC student, showed us around the city before the evening serving at Bay Ridge Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York City.

A view of Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry

The Wall Street Bull

The Statue of Liberty picture taken from the Staten Island Ferry.

This is at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA.

We have been having a wonderful time on tour. It has been a blessing to see the Lord work people's lives. We have been traveling with Pastor Roger Maxwell who is the Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. He has been filling in as the preacher for our group since Dr. Beal has been unable to travel with us due to his accident. We have had some great conversations with Pastor Maxwell. He is a very wise man. It has been a great blessing to have him on our team.

Tonight, we will be in Berlin, VT, and this will be Pastor Maxwell's last service with us. We will certainly miss him. Then, on Saturday Pastor Nathan Deatrick, Michael's older brother, will join us again as our preacher for approximately a week and a half. I am looking forward to seeing him again.

We have had some wonderful experiences being able to minister and be a blessing to people in our host homes. We are very grateful for a place to stay and to minister each night. Praise the Lord for His goodness to us and for His protection as we travel serving Him.

~ Kevin Gilbert

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Going to have internet tonight so i will be sure to update the blog.